Top reasons why you should invest in website translation

23, Jul 2020


Top reasons why you should invest in website translation

Ter um site multilíngue é um verdadeiro diferencial para as empresas.  Além de atrair mais atenção de potenciais compradores, essa também é uma ótima forma de atingir um público mais amplo e internacional, levando sua marca a novos territórios.

Quer saber mais sobre as vantagens da tradução de sites?

Para começar, vamos falar um pouco mais sobre SEO. Em essência, é a otimização do seu site para que seja mais facilmente encontrado pelos buscadores, como Google, Bing!, entre outros. Um SEO bem estruturado melhora o posicionamento e a visibilidade do seu site de forma surpreendente e orgânica.


Uma forma de otimizar o SEO é investindo na tradução de sites , criando assim um site multilíngue e podendo subir nos rankings de busca em vários idiomas.

Quanto melhor for o posicionamento da sua marca em um determinado termo de busca, mais visitantes orgânicos (aqueles que não vêm de anúncios, mas de buscas ocasionais) chegarão à sua plataforma querendo saber o que você tem a oferecer.

Dê a resposta às necessidades dos clientes quando procuram uma solução.


How does website translation help your company's SEO strategy?
If a website has a list of relevant keywords in Portuguese, for example, it tends to draw more public attention in countries like Brazil and Portugal, where this is the spoken language. If the same website is translated into another language, making the platform multilingual, it will attract people from other markets.

Investing in website translation and adopting a multilingual communication approach will bring several advantages associated with SEO and the user experience.


  • Optimizing SEO during the translation of your website will enable you to reduce costs and improve process flow efficiency. A literal translation of the keywords you currently use is not enough; you need to adapt them to the target market and check if there are other, more relevant words.


  • Combining content translation with SEO strategies (website and URL optimisation, backlinks, etc.) helps you appear more easily in international markets and stand out from your competitors.


  • In addition to these advantages, by communicating with the consumer in their native language, you avoid miscommunication and provide a better user experience.



Is translation and maintenance of a multilingual website difficult?
Not at all! If you find a partner capable of providing you with a quality website translation service, you only have to invest in adapting the site code so that it supports several languages.

You don’t need more than one website or the expense of running more than one domain. It is possible to have the same website, available in several languages, by reorganizing the website code.


After that, you just have to keep on top of routine maintenance: has something new been published? You need to post it in each of the site’s languages, whether it is a new campaign, a new product, a new blog post or a new section on your website.

With that in mind, website translation is only a benefit, and never a burden to bear.


In the field of translation, we use a term for the creative translation of texts, “transcreation”. This concept describes the process of adapting the message that is conveyed in one language into another language, maintaining the style, tone, context, and intention. Transcreation is extremely important and it is indispensable when it comes to SEO because the keywords need to be adapted, instead of simply translated in the usual way.

The concept of transcreation, which has been growing in importance, shifts the emphasis to the creative independence of the transcreator and the importance of their marketing knowledge.


Investing in website translation is investing in the future of your brand

Investing in the translation of your website and in multilingual SEO, along with transcreation, will make your website multilingual, making it much easier to find through search engine tools, therefore attracting more attention from foreign markets.

Functioning almost as a magnet for business, a properly translated website is associated with a greater demand for services and even products.

Outro benefício que deve ser considerado é que conteúdos direcionados à língua materna dos leitores inevitavelmente evocam um sentimento de confiança na marca. Por conta disso, um grande volume de novos negócios resultará diretamente do seu investimento na tradução de sites.

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